Registration of Your Application
Due to the heavy volume of applications we receive, we may take up to 2 weeks to respond to your application. As we are a volunteer-run organization we have limited resources at our disposal, so your patience and understanding are much appreciated.
- If your application is accepted, and if space is available, you will be enrolled and will receive an acceptance letter.
- If your application is accepted but no space is available, you will be wait-listed and will receive a wait-list letter. In this letter you will be asked whether you wish to remain on the wait-list or not, and how much advance notice you require to accept a an opening. Please do respond with your decision and requirement.
- In some cases, your application may require additional review and may take more time to process. In such cases, you will be registered (either enrolled or wait-listed) to assure your position in line, and will be informed that your application is in progress. The review may involve further contact with you by e-mail and/or phone.
If you are wait-listed
- Please note that we are able to give you only two weeks notice because the enrolled students are asked to confirm or cancel their enrollment at least two weeks before the course starts. Often due to late cancellations, the notice period may only be a week or even less. Under the circumstance, please let us know whether you wish to remain on the wait-list.
- If you would like to change your application to a course with open spaces, there is no need to cancel and apply again; let us know which course you prefer and we will transfer your application.
- If you prefer to cancel your application, please let us know as soon as possible.
If you are enrolled
- As instructed in the acceptance letter, please confirm or cancel your enrollment a month before the course is scheduled to start.
- At this point we appreciate your decision as soon as possible, especially if you are cancelling, so that we can give adequate notice period to those on the wait-list.
- If we don't receive a response, you will receive a confirmation request 4 weeks before your course is scheduled to start.
- You will have 2 weeks to respond. If you fail to confirm within 2 weeks, your enrollment will be automatically cancelled.
- At this point we appreciate your decision as soon as possible, especially if you are cancelling, so that we can give adequate notice period to those in the wait-list.
- We prefer that you either confirm or cancel using the website link provided in the acceptance letter or the confirmation request we send you.
- However, if you have to resort to an e-mail or telephone, please remember to provide us with sufficient information to locate your application (i.e. name & course date).
- If you have not reconfirmed by the 14th day (two weeks) before your course starts, your enrollment will be automatically cancelled and your space will be given to someone on the wait-list.
Following up on your application
Here are some guidelines to consider, when you wish to follow up on your application, ask us any questions, or communicate with us for any reason.
- When you correspond with the registration staff by e-mail, please include the original message from us to give us sufficient information to locate your application and understand the context of your request. As more than one volunteer may be handling your application or a query, such background information is essential and will save us time and reduce mistakes.
- If you use a cell phone or other devices to send e-mail and are unable to include our original message, please at least give us your name as given in the application and the course reference (top two lines in all of our communication to you)
- If you want to change your course date or cancel your enrollment, please let us know as soon as possible.
- Please respond to our queries as soon as possible. If you do not wish to provide us with the information requested, please say so, instead of ignoring our request.
Once you are accepted to a course and have decided to attend it, you are ready for the preparation for attending the course.
An Important Request
Please do not confirm thinking that you can always cancel later. All late cancellations lead to vacancies that can not be filled due to the lack of sufficient time. Timely cancellations will provide opportunities for those on the wait-list.
Any cancellation after the deadline for cancellation or confirmation (2 weeks before a course is scheduled to start) often leads to unfilled vacancies because we are unable to give adequate notice for those in the wait-list to plan, prepare for and attend the course.
Therefore, if you are unable to attend a course for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible.
You many cancel or confirm through the web-site, by e-mail ([email protected]), or by telephone (778-785-4080 in Vancouver, 250-412-5372 in Victoria, and 250-469-7180 in Kelowna).